You know the feeling: you’ve over-scrolled on Instagram and can’t handle even one more moment on TikTok. It’s time for a digital detox.
For all that I love about social media—connecting with people around the world, keeping up on friends’ travels—it can be too much. That’s when it’s time to change the relationship status with tech—not break up but take a break. And it’s when you should plan a digital detox.

What Is A Digital Detox?
Recently, I was at Sri Panwa, and the peaceful, quiet resort was a treat after a week of running around Thailand. It got me thinking about how important it is toplan relaxing vacations. Set aside time to hit the pause button and put yourself first.
The name of the digital detox game is to become a master relaxer (and to keep yourself busy enough you don’t miss social media).
The perfect detox location is any laidback place that you find calming so you can chill out—I vote for an all-inclusive resort setting but see what’s best for you.

9 Tips For How To Do A Digital Detox
Here are a few ideas for how to spend your tech-free time and get in some quality “you” time:
Fully Unplug
Go cold turkey and 100% cut yourself off from your digital devices—disconnect the wifi, pack up your computer, and pretend that TV hasn’t been invented yet. If you’re somewhere new and unique, you don’t want to waste it away by Netflix-ing bingeing, right? This seems infinitely more manageable when you head somewhere new where you can explore and adventure all day.
Get Outside
What did I learn the hard way? The ease with which you do a detox is inversely related to how bored you are. That’s to say, don’t let yourself get bored, or you’ll be tempted to check in on Snapchat stories.
For me, that meant getting outside and keeping active. It seemed like the more I moved around (aka tired myself out), the less I cared about social media and my phone.
It’s amazing how much time you have on your hands once you stop snapping and double-tapping. If there’s ever a time to practice meditation finally, it’s now.
Because admit it: you’ve had that meditation app hanging out on your phone for a long time and never used it—now you can learn meditation the old-fashioned way.
Speaking Of, Do Morning Yoga
If, like me, sitting still only works for a few minutes, you might want to move while you meditate. Think about trying moving meditation like Tai Chi or restorative yoga. During my detox, I did a very relaxed, slow-moving vinyasa class, and it left me time to focus on my breathing and mindfulness rather than on pushing physically.

The more I’ve traveled, the more I value journaling. Writing it all down is such a simple idea,, but if you don’t do it now, you’ll likely forget all the good stuff.
Even when I’m super busy, I take a few minutes to bullet point what I liked, where I went, what I ate, and who I was with. I’ve found that writing it down mentally cements the trip for me.
And Read
Sadly, the only time I read for fun anymore is when I’m on the road. And though it takes up room in my luggage and Kindles exist by the ton, I’m all about a paper book I can annotate, dog-ear, and wear out.
So ask your friends what to read (or opt for a classic travel novel) and enjoy how delicious it is to curl up with a good book.

Water Time
Maybe because I grew up near the ocean, but nothing makes me unwind faster than sometimes seaside. Doing something physically tiring but simultaneously relaxing—think, stand-up paddleboarding, kayaking, snorkeling, or simply swimming the coastline, then lounging in the sand works—leaves me happily exhausted and chilled out in the best possible way.
Plan Downtime
The name of the game is to enjoy your downtime so ideally, you’d find yourself at a really serene place where you can just sit back and enjoy the view. It was monsoon season when I was at Sri Panwa and I really enjoyed just sitting on the porch and watching the rainstorms on the horizon.
Spa Time
Even if you’re not really one for the spa, this is the time to do it. You’re already pampering yourself with some tech therapy so some serious spa time will really help you recoup in the best possible way. If you have the means, I say go all in. I find the combo of a massage and sauna time really helps me zone out.
But Still, Drink and Eat
Mind you this is a digital detox, not a food detox, so please do not hold out on the food and drinks! Plan to go somewhere with really good food (and it can be somewhere healthy like Golden Door) and you’ll likely love the experience so much you’ll (almost) completely forget about social media!
Have you done a digital detox? Tell us about your experience in the comments below!

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Photo Credit: All photos shot at Sri Panwa by Kristen Kellogg
Sponsored Content: My trip to Thailand and this post was sponsored by Tourism Thailand. All content, ideas, and words are my own. Thanks for supporting these sponsors who allow us to keep Salt & Wind Travel up and running.